
Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, diet, stress, smoking and obesity have all been suggested as possible reasons behind the dramatic declines but experts say more research is urgently needed.

Read full article…  

The Independent     Ian Johnston Science Correspondent

From: J Atheroscler Thromb. 2017 Mar 1;24(3):312-326. doi: 10.5551/jat.35592. Epub 2016 Sep 2.

Read abstract here.

AIM:  Accumulation level of fluorescent advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the skin can be measured non-invasively as skin autofluorescence (skin AF) by autofluorescence reader. The aim of this study was to assess possible associations between skin AF and diabetic complications, especially early-stage atherosclerosis, in Japanese type 1 diabetic patients.

CONCLUSIONS:  Skin AF was significantly associated with the presence and/or severity of diabetic complications and was an independent risk factor for carotid atherosclerosis.


From J Diabetes Complications. 2017 Jan;31(1):108-113. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2016.10.026. Epub 2016 Oct 29.

Read abstract here.

AIM:  “Although diabetes-related erectile dysfunction (ED) has many etiological factors, little is known about the putative pathophysiological role of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Skin autofluorescence is a noninvasive marker of AGEs. Recent studies have evidenced a relationship between skin autofluorescence and several complications of diabetes. We hypothesized that AGEs (assessed by skin autofluorescence) are associated with ED in diabetes patients.”

CONCLUSION:  “Skin autofluorescence is significantly associated with ED in diabetes, independently of classical confounding factors.”

Posted by: bescothealthcare | May 26, 2017

Poison Ivy Facts & Fiction

Pictures of Poison ivy

When it comes to poison oak and poison ivy rash there can be a great deal of questions! Not to mention, all of the hub-bub found on the internet can be quite confusing! As the trusted name in poison oak and ivy for over 50 years, the makers of Tecnu have gathered a bit of knowledge over the years and compiled a few of the most frequently asked questions and answers to help you when the dreaded rash comes a knocking at your door!

What does poison ivy and oak look like?

Poison ivy and oak have leaflets of three, change colors throughout the season, and may have berries.

Do the blisters cause poison ivy and oak rash to spread?

Thinking that breaking blisters cause the rash to spread is a very common misconception. However, the only way for the rash to spread is for the rash-causing oil, urushiol, to spread. Blisters are caused by your body’s immune response to urushiol after is has bonded with your skin.

Should I cover the rash with bandages?

It is a good idea to cover the rash only when necessary as oxygen may help it heal faster. If you do cover the rash, be sure to use loose bandages.

Should I break the blisters?

Blisters caused by poison ivy or oak is your body’s way of removing the toxin. It is best not to break the blisters but allow them to run their course. If the blisters are painful, you should consult your doctor.

How long will poison ivy or oak rash last?

This is probably one of the most common questions we get asked. It is very difficult to answer because everyone’s immune system reacts differently. The average person usually experiences a rash for 2-4 weeks. If your rash is severe, red, feels hot, or if you experience other signs of possible infection, you should consult your doctor immediately.

How can I clean off the oil that causes the rash?

A skin-cleanser such as Tecnu can help remove the rash causing oil from your skin and clothing.  Read more at www.Tecnu.ca.  If you have a severe rash, consult with your doctor.

Does bleach help with poison ivy or oak rash?

Bleach can be very damaging to your skin and may cause irritation. Avoid using bleach as it may cause your condition to become worse.

Posted by: bescothealthcare | May 26, 2017

What Does a Poison Oak or Poison Ivy Rash Look Like?

It’s a question we are often asked. Folks that adventure and/or work in the outdoors think they may have been exposed and want to know what to expect, while others have broken out and are trying to determine if their rash was in fact, caused by contact with poison oak or poison ivy plants.

Poison oak rash looks like on legs

Before we get into what a poison ivy rash looks like, it is important to cover what exactly causes the rash. Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac all contain the same rash-causing allergen called, urushiol (pronounced: oo-roo-she-all). Urushiol is an incredibly potent substance found in all parts of the plant including the leaves, stem, even the roots. A little bit of this oil goes a long way, it is incredibly powerful!

Exposure can occur from direct contact or indirect contact. Urushiol does not evaporate, and is known to last on items such as tools, clothing, gear, fences, pets, etc. for months, even years. This makes it possible to develop a rash the next time you come into contact with these contaminated items (also known as secondary contamination).

It is always ideal, after exposure, or suspected exposure to wash the area of your skin potentially affected by the Urushiol with a product like Tecnu (read more at www.Tecnu.ca).

For approximately 85% of the American population, contact with urushiol causes an allergic reaction called contact dermatitis (the swelling and irritation of the skin when exposed to an irritating substance). This is your body’s natural reaction to an allergen, in which your skin alerts your immune system to the presence of an irritating substance or chemical.  Sensitivity to urushiol develops over time, and is known to increase, as a person incurs more and more exposures. It isn’t entirely uncommon for an individual to go without a reaction to poison oak or poison ivy for the first several years of their life, then one day, upon exposure, develop a rash.

A poison ivy rash can appear anywhere from 24-36 hours after exposure, and last between 2 to 4 weeks. How quickly symptoms appear, and the duration of your rash depends on a few factors: your sensitivity to urushiol, the amount you were exposed to, and how many exposures to the substance you’ve had over your lifetime.

Rashes and what they look like vary from person to person. Symptoms can include: intense itching, redness, swelling, or blisters. It is important to never break the blisters, as it can potentially cause an infection. The liquid that oozes from the blisters often dries to form a yellow crust-like substance. It’s best to leave the rash uncovered to allow oxygen to aid the healing process; however, if the blisters ooze excessively, a loose bandage can be used to cover the area.

What does poison ivy rash look like? Poison ivy rash can cause blisters

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot “cure” a poison oak rash (or, poison ivy rash). You simply have to let your body run its natural course. There are however, products you can use to help alleviate your symptoms (itching, redness, inflammation, etc.). If you experience a severe reaction (i.e. swelling of the face, trouble breathing, etc.) or your rash worsens, or doesn’t improve, seek medical attention immediately.

Posted by: bescothealthcare | October 20, 2015

Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Toronto Half 2015Thanks to everyone who came by the booth at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon at the weekend…. and before you ask… Yes, Martin did finish his Half Marathon and Yes, ReSkin did prevent him getting any blisters and chafing! Hope you all had fun on the run!


Posted by: bescothealthcare | June 19, 2015

Tried, Tested and True – ReSkin to prevent Saddle Sores

Saddle with ScrewsHere is a great article in BikeRadar by Nik Cook who has done is own testing of various methods of preventing soreness from “the saddle”. Check out his article and find out which method of protection worked best.

Read the findings here



Posted by: bescothealthcare | April 11, 2015

Two endurance runs for you in May to enjoy!

SulphurSpringSat. May 9th – Seaton Trail, Pickering (15K, 25K, 50K)

The venue of the Seaton Trail is very scenic and the time of year that the race is held, usually finds the race course in full bloom of Trilliums. This race is the closest to Toronto out of all the Ontario Ultra Series races.

Sat. May 23-24 – Sulphur Springs, Dundas Valley Conservation Area (10K, 25K, 50K, 50Mi, 100Mi, 100Mi Relay)
Sulphur Springs is one of the stops on the Ontario Ultra Series and one of the best days of running you will experience. The race starts at the Ancaster Community Centre and weaves its way through the beautiful trails of the Dundas Valley.

Posted by: bescothealthcare | April 10, 2015

Pick Your Poison 12.5k, 25k OR 50k Race

pickyourpoisonJust two weeks to go till the Pick Your Poison race.

Saturday, April 25th 2015

Pick Your Poison Trail Run is a challenging 12.5 K loop through the beautiful hills of Horseshoe Valley. Distances include 12.5K, 25 K and 50 K.

The course consists of approximately 98% off-road terrain made up of a combination of single track and ski trails. A technical but rewarding race!


Posted by: bescothealthcare | March 30, 2015

A Run with Real Meaning

condolence-book-matthews1Hamilton: April 11th 2015 – The Blarney Walk Run.
6.93k or 10-4k
If you are looking for a run with meaning beyond doing just a personal best, check out www.Blarneyrun.ca and help “to raise awareness in the areas of Mental Health, PTSD, Occupational Stress, Addictions, Depression and fight the stigma associated to these issues. We will do this together because You Are Not Alone!”

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